Jadon Lim



Hi, I'm Jadon Lim. This is my official website. I wrote it manually with HTML.

I'm a mather/cuber/coder.

Languages: English/BM/中文

MBTI personality: ISFP

Don't forget to check out my math web.

Follow me

Social media

Discord: jadon_l

Youtube: jadon_l9

Instagram: jadon_l9

Spotify: 315azwodrgex5gwhwaajytfhphxy

X (Twitter): jadon_l9

Facebook: My Facebook profile

Reddit: jadon_l


Khan Academy: jadonl9

Brilliant: My Brilliant profile (jadon-wcd2ia)

AoPS: jl_ (999495)


Scratch: __j90000__

Github: jadon-l

Replit: jadon-l9

Codeforces: jadon_l

Kattis: jadonl

HackerRank: jadon_l9

Codecademy: jadon_l


Typeracer: _jl_

Monkeytype: _jl_

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